Body tightening
In frisco
Skin laxity, or loose skin, occurs over time with the loss of collagen and elastin but environmental elements like smoking and over-exposure to the sun can speed up the aging process. Life’s milestones like gaining/losing weight as well as pregnancy can be difficult to overcome because laxity of the skin cannot always be corrected with exercise and diet alone. Wherever you find it— around your facial features, under your arms, or along your waistline—sagging skin is a struggle. Within the past decade strides have been made to harness a better solution for skin tightening other than injectables or surgical procedures.
Willow Beauty offers non-invasive treatments to help reduce fat concentrations, loss of collagen, and sagging skin. Our Venus Octipolar device uses multi-polar radio-frequency and pulsed electromagnetic fields to help redefine and remodel fat cells beneath the surface while tightening loose skin.
This non-surgical radio-frequency treatment helps to safely rejuvenate the appearance of skin by comfortably heating your sub dermal tissues. This action triggers the natural production of elastin and collagen, which is key for youthful, healthy looking skin. The result is effortlessly tighter, smoother, and younger-looking skin.

Give us a call at (945) 732 – 1742 to book your appointment for Skin Tightening in Frisco!